Archives: Testimonial

Tom Avni

Meeting Annie changed my life. As simple as that. First of all, because after you follow Mavis Pittilla’s ways, it becomes so difficult to go back and study with...

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Erica Karlinsky FL, USA

I have been studying and practicing mediumship for close to five years, and have worked under Annie Gee’s tutelage for much of that time. When I did Mavis Pittilla’s year...

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Donna Colfer CA, USA

“In the beginning of my mediumship journey, there was so much fear that I wouldn’t “get it right.” I came from a very left-brain profession and mediumship is all...

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Karen Jones USA

Annie has changed my life tremendously for the better!  She has mentored me from day 1 of my journey in mediumship and is an amazing teacher, mentor and I’m...

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