Annie Gee began to see Spirit as a child, it was as natural as seeing her family and friends in the so – called real world. Like many other children in this situation, she soon learned that it wasn’t something you talked about openly, as you were told it was your imagination or that it was against the families’ religious beliefs. She soon shut it down, and for many years never thought about it again.
In young adulthood, she began to become interested in visiting mediums, the best of these and most influential, being Mavis Pittilla, who she met in the early 1980’s. Mavis had stressed on many occasions that she too would do ‘this work’, although at this time, Annie never believed one day she would become a medium herself, She did have further spirit experiences at this time objectively seeing her grandmother and another spirit person in the apartment she had just moved into, but she didn’t see the need to pursue her development any further at this time.
Sadly, Annie lost her mother, who she adored, too soon, and this prompted more need for communication. She was however provided again with the very best real evidence of the survival after death, when her mum visited her at home. Annie saw her sitting in her favourite chair, smiling at her. She was shocked but overjoyed. This re-kindled all her childhood memories of spirit visits, and her more recent encounters.
She joined several development workshops that Mavis and Jean organised locally and attended the prestigious Arthur Findlay College in Stansted UK but she still wasn’t convinced that this was for her. However, several years later her soul knew better, and she was drawn to join one of their early mentorship groups in 2014 driving over 300 miles several times a year to join them.
Although she found the whole experience confusing and challenging, she persevered and it eventually led to her joining in every mentorship they ran from then on over many years. Her own mediumship flowered and expanded to such a degree that she became a professional medium.
Annie is always enquiring, always searching, always striving for the best in every aspect of her understanding and development, as Annie knows you are never fully developed.
She spent a lot of private time with Mavis and Jean and was able to absorb as much knowledge of spirit communication as possible. She began to travel abroad with Mavis and Jean whilst they were working, and had the honour of demonstrating with Mavis in Boston and New Jersey in the USA.
This desire to understand everything, has really enhanced Annie’s own practice, in demonstrating, providing private readings and of course her teaching. All Annie’s student’s value her depth of knowledge and her ability to transmit information in a clear straight forward way. They also love her humour and warmth, as well as her patience and support.
Annie’s love of spirit communication is unwavering, and her desire to help others experience it is her greatest joy.